
Fox New Bob Beckel's Advice about Shotguns While Traveling on Road Trips

Fox News Bob Beckel was dishing out his advice on The Five regarding how to take road trips with your family.
I found it ironic that this bloated buffoon who is so anti-gun, yet his advice involved a shotgun. Hacking, coughing and slurring his words he gave his opinion:" bring a shot gun for your wife and a can of gasoline for the backseat so they pass out from the fumes".
I am not sure if the gun was supposed to be used as a threat to keep the wife  quiet or if he mean to just shoot the wife. He never elaborated on what he would do with the gun.
Of course Kimberly Guilfoyle purred "Oh Bob" and everyone else laughed at his disgusting comment. Kimberly went on to state that no one should take Bob's advice.
Mind you, this is the guy who screams as he slurs out his rants against guns and the NRA. I am sure that you wouldn't find any NRA member telling you to use a shot gun to keep your wife quiet and gasoline on your kids.
I just wonder how long it will be before Fox News finally catches on that the Liberal, bloated buffoon is offensive to their viewers and he needs to be replaced.

Fox New Resident Big Mouthed Bully Bob Beckel Needs To Be Fired

Where is the Human Resources Department at Fox News?
Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year we have had to sit and listen to Bob Beckel and his few remaining neurons (the ones that have not been destroyed by booze and drugs) slur, slander and attack Republicans which his co-hosts, sit and giggle and cheer him on. They all give the bloated buffoon kudos when he comes up with this reckless comments. Kimberly Guilfoyle messes her pants as she flirts with the political hack.
But it begs to wonder, what about the racial attacks, the slurs the physical threats that he makes each day? Where is the Human Resources? I guarantee you that the law that any HR department is forced to follow, would not allow this behavior. But for some reason Fox News has a different set of rules.
Can you even imagine going into work and calling a woman a "broad"? How about how he called Mitt Romney's Jewish donors "diamond merchants"? Or how about how he bragged about punching a women in the face? Shall I go on?
Any of these comments would be enough to get you or I fired and then probably sued for making bigoted, slanderous, sexist comments like he does everyday.
Where is Fox New's HR Department, do they even have ears or are they hearing impaired? Where are the Advertisers who crumble if anyone on the right even mentions being supportive of traditional marriage? Yet they all sit and ignore what comes out of this pig's mouth.
If I was a lawyer I would take this on and start a class action lawsuit against Fox News for subjecting it's viewers to this ignorant attacks on a daily basis.
I often wondered if  Beckel's poltical past was so wonderful, why is he not working for Obama? They wouldn't want this bottom feeder.  Even they have some standards. Instead Fox News has taken this vile vermin and use him as they parade him from show to show as an expert.
I guess Fox New's HR department is asleep at the helm or we are forced to accept that Fox News condones his assaults, attacks and him beating women.
Also, shame on Dana Perino, Greg Gutfield, Eric Boling, Andrea Tantaros, etc. for sitting there while he behaves like this day after day. They could band together and get him to stop.

Fox News, Megyn Kelly's Recent Plastic Surgery, Perhaps her nose?

Megyn Kelly's Nose
Michael Jacksons nose

Did Fox News, Megyn Kelly take off work to have more plastic surgery done? During spring break, she was off for a week for a vacation and now we are and she just took off an additional week.
Curious minds want to know if she went in for additional plastic surgery? Is her nose collapsing like Michael Jackson's nose did? Her nose is getting pointier and pointier and she has a spot on the left side that is collapsing  so maybe she went in for a touch up?
The 6 million dollar plastic wonder was back on her show screaming last night. So I guess  if she did have additional plastic surgery, then she has healed from what ever it was.

Fox News Bob Beckel Brags About Punching A Woman In The Face

Fox News Democrat political hack, Bob Beckel today bragged about punching a woman in the face. He actually called the woman a "broad" and said she bit him in his collar bone and she would have killed him if he didn't punch her in the face.
Naturally all his buddies on The Five giggled and laughed at his admission to assaulting a woman. Does he know this is a crime he admitted to on TV? Does Fox even care that this is who they have working for them? I guess now Fox News proves that 1.) it is OK to make sexist comments like calling women "broads". Beckel did it repeatedly on the show and 2.) I guess Fox News condones punching women in the face.
The proof will be if we tune in tomorrow and Beckel is back on again, leaning on the desk and hacking up a lung as usual.
If Fox doesn't approve of Beckel abusing women, then they will have replaced him and announce that they have replaced him because they do not condone beating women.
Have some respect for your viewers Fox. Fire Beckel and send a message that NO it is not OK to beat women.

Is Fox News Sexist With All The Cleavage & Short Skirts ?

Since Fox News must think that showing cleavage & wearing short skirts attracts viewers and will score them the high ratings. I really think that the newsroom is a professional workplace and  both women and men should be expected to dress in a professional manner. Would you want to go to a Dr. and he is wearing just a pair of short shorts and his lab coat?
Why is it that Fox thinks that the Anchor women need to be showing off their "assests"? I really think it is inappropriate and is distracting from the news that is being reported. Who is going to take these women serious?
Meanwhile the men sit in their suits and ties. Let's see some skin from the men. I am calling for a wardrobe makeover for Steve Doocey, Brain Kilmead,  Jon Scott, Bill Hemmer, Eric Bolling, Greg Gutfield, Jesse Waters, Tucker Carlson, Clayton Morris etc. should all be a little more camera friendly and show some skin. No shirts and  silk running shorts would be perfect.  Bob Beckel is not included in this new wardrobe change.
Fair and balanced, right?

Trivia About Fox New's Gretchen Carlson~ Did You Know.......

Gretchen Carlson's husband, Casey Close is a sports agent. A little unknown fact is that one of the ways they keep their marriage working is that they  teach Sunday school together. Gretchen Carlson says that is the one way they bring their morals and values together and do it together as a team.  She also said that it is one place they know that they will get to see each other for the one hour while they are teaching Sunday school.