
Fox News Finally Fires Bob Beckel from "The Five", What Happened To Bob Beckel? Now We Know and Confirmed What We Thought

Fox News finally came clean and issued a statement saying that they have finally parted ways with Bob Beckel. In other words, they fired the loud mouth, vile, bigot.
Dana Perino announced at the end of the Five, that Beckel would no longer be at the table and he has moved on. There was no other comments from Dana.
We all know that the whole "back surgery" story was a lie but Fox was obviously covering for Beckel and probably giving him time to work out his issues.
Bill Shine, who is the Executive Programming VP that their patience with Beckel had run out at the channel. He went on to say " we tried to work with Bob for months, but we couldn't hold the Five hostage to one man's personal issues." " He took tremendous advantage of our generosity, empathy and goodwill and we simply came to the end of the road with him:"
They will continue to rotate liberals so Juan, Geraldo and Julie will probably be on often.
I have been watching the Five and just so amazed at how smooth is goes now and intelligent debates now can take place with the mix that host the show. No longer are there outbursts, scream feasts, insults are absent, no more fowl language, no slurring words, no more racist comments, no bigoted comments, no more choking, no interrupting and no slamming fists on the table and no more incoherent babbling.
Beckel Tweeted that he didn't know why Fox was angry and asked people to buy his book.
Go away Beckel. MSNBC will probably want you.  Maybe you can do a show with Al Sharpton.


Fox News Anchors and Contributors Are Selling Books, Books and More Books!

Wow, is there something in the air at Fox News? It seems like everyday another anchor or contributor is releasing another book. Recently it appears they have kicked it into over-drive.
Bill O'Reilly had produced an awesome TV series called " Legends and Lies" which was a series of 10 weekly, hour long shows sharing the truth about the heroes and villains of the west. It was a great series and he had a book that went along with it :

"Legends and Lies:The Real West"

After Bill O'Reilly, next up to bat was Dana Perino. Former Press Secretary for President George W Bush and currently, one of the hosts on "The Five" on Fox News.  Her book quickly shot to the #1 spot on the New York's Best Seller's List, in a much deserved spot. This book  will take you on a exciting journey with her warm, heartfelt, proud, and at times, sad journey through her life and her days in the White House. Her humor is uplifting and gives the reader hope for our country.  This is a well written, peak behind the curtain.

"And the Good News Is...: Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side"

Kimberly Guilfoyle jumped in the mix with a new book as well. Kimberly Guilfoyle is a co-host with Dana Perino on "The Five" on Fox News. In her book, Kimberly shares with the readers a glimpse into her private life. The articulate yet bubbly, vivacious, Irish-Latino, talks about the loss of her mother from Leukemia when she was a child and being raised by her loving father who passed away just a few years ago.  He taught her to push and drive yourself to reach your goals. This drive and passion pushed her through law school, to the courtroom,  then to being the First Lady Of San Francisco, then on to her TV career, to being a mother and now to being the co-host of one of Fox New's top shows. Kimberly gives the reader advice and encouragement to focus on your goals and you will achieve it.

" Making the Case: How to Advocate for Yourself in Work and Life"

Gretchen Carlson's positive book teaches the reader about her determination and discipline as the 2 main principles that guided her through her life's path. Gretchen talks about her values, her faith and her love of country as her guiding light. A violin prodigy, Miss America and a Stanford graduate to now, a news anchor of her own show " The Real Story", Gretchen humbly tells us that " if a chubby kid from Wisconsin can do it, so can you".

"Getting Real"

Next in the line-up is Ann Coulter. She sheds light on what she feels is the biggest treat to the United States today. Ann provides the reader with facts and the data on illegal immigration policies and their real effects to the American people and this information will not be found in the main stream media. Agree with her or disagree with Ann Coulter, but this book should be a "must read" before we vote in the 2016 election.

"Adios, America:The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole"

Also in the summer book releases are:

Kirsten Powers : " The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech"

Mary Katharine Ham: End Of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun)

Katie Pavlich : Assault and Flattery:The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women

Fox News Liberal Megyn Kelly Exploits The Duggar Story To Get Ratings

Liberal Anchor Megyn Kelly from Fox News has spent the last 2 weeks exploiting the Duggar family so that she could get the interview and get the ratings. She actually talked about others in the media "gnawing on the carcus" of this story. That was laughable since she has paraded around for the 2 weeks talking about the case, the interview,etc every chance she could get. I am sure that she has a lot of raw meat between those pearly veneers of hers.
She packed up her extensions and false eyelashes to flew out to Arkansas to meet with the Duggars regarding the story that In Touch Magazine uncovered.
It is obvious that Fox News is pushing Megyn Kelly as their trophy anchor. You can be sure that she was the chosen one to get that interview. Why not Greta? She has a lot more legal experience than Kelly has and Greta too is liberal, but Greta is not the "shining star" that Fox is promoting.
What a shocker, Kelly was cheered on by all the liberal talk shows the media. AOL, CNN, HuffPost and even the View cheered her on.  That alone should tell you that Megyn Kelly is a Liberal.
Kelly didn't miss her chance to ask the Duggar girls if there was anything else would come out about their family, if there was anything they were hiding and she used the word "molestation" over and over and over. She asked them if they felt shame having to discuss the "molestation". 
The Duggar girls responded they didn't have shame about what happened but the media was lying and they have been much more hurt by the lies from the media than from what happened to them 12 yrs ago.
If you want to see the interviews, here they are in this post, so you can watch them and see Megyn Kelly exploit the Duggars and their daughters as she claims to not be one of the media who are just looking for ratings and exploiting the story.

Megyn Kelly Duggar Interview Part 1 of 2

Megyn Kelly Duggar Interview Part 2 of 2

Megyn Kelly Interviews Duggar Sisters Jill and Jessa full interview